There are several ways to broaden your knowledge within your field. Remember, hundreds of thousands, maybe even millions of people, are interested in what you are interested in. Don't be a lone wolf; learn from the pack! Joining a professional organization within your field is a great start. Professional organizations offer publications, conferences, and networking opportunities.
Remember to read books in your field. Read contemporary authors, but also look back through historical publications. In the history field, we put great emphasis on historiography. That is the study of how research and interpretation of history have changed over time. This method allows us to understand the subject we are studying and how others have interpreted that subject through the lens of their time. It is truly a fascinating way to familiarize yourself with your genre. Lastly, be social. Talk to others in your field. Even for the most introverted person, having the opportunity to discuss the topic you are passionate about is magically priceless. Not only will you gain understanding and perspective, but you may also have one of those conversations where hours fly by, and you feel like you are only getting started. You may even make a friend. Martinus, Tess. “Watch: Knowing the State of Your Profession: WRIT501: Research Methods and Bibliography (B02).” MP4. Accessed February 20, 2024.
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